Kaiser Permanente
Enhancing the vital online presence for one of the nation's largest health care providers.
Key Activities
- Create Google Business Virtual Tours For Locations In Southern California
- Organize KP’s Presence On Google’s Database
- Monitor, Track And Assess Data
- Update The Virtual Tours And Point Of Interest Photos On Google Maps, Google Search And Google Business
Main Objective
Kaiser approached Arrow GTP with the desire to help their customers find their way through their facilities with the least amount of confusion. Our task was to help them create and prepare a google maps experience that would help their members confidently navigate many of their campuses with confidence.
Kaiser Permanente faces the challenge of ensuring members are fully aware of new facilities while providing the appropriate information to make the members’ experience as comfortable as possible, as it continues to expand. All points of contact need to highlight the quality of care Kaiser’s brand is associated with. To complement physical offices, increase foot traffic and answer typically asked questions; Kaiser Permanente Carson requires an online presence. Having an online presence significantly expands the area of coverage while offering members quick and easy access from the comfort of their homes or on their mobile devices. Tracking online metrics, such as views and clicks, in real-time also offers KP the ability to better serve members by understanding typical user habits and trends. Addressing KP members’ concerns prior to entering a facility allows KP’s staff to focus their attention on other tasks. The time previously used to assist members with frequently asked questions can be reallocated to other areas to improve the overall quality of services provided. The KP’s staff is given the flexibility of more time to tend to more important issues. Visiting medical offices usually comes with a negative perception related to sickness, deterioration and stress. KP wants to tackle this issue by changing this experience for members across all five senses. From the initial point of contact, members should feel a sense of relaxed satisfaction as they take the steps towards improving and sustaining their health. Their experience should be seamless and frustration-free so that they may focus less on the roadblocks and more on their health to ultimately thrive.
Kaiser Permanente was able to address its challenges by tracking online information. Metrics displaying trends of increased views and clicks offered KP the valuable information necessary to gauge how well new implementations were performing while also offering a better insight into how members responded. Data tracking the total clicks and breakdowns of the members’ activities helped KP spot any barriers that need to be addressed as well as which sections should be improved. Having the knowledge of analytical data gave KP the flexibility to trial new strategies for solving their challenges while gaining feedback in real-time. With the addition of a certified 360⁰ virtual tour through Google Virtual Tour for Business, KP offered members an introduction to its physical facilities. This introduction offered members a way to view the facilities and address concerns prior to actually setting foot through the door. It also developed a stronger rapport as KP’s members could easily viewpoints of interest and have a sense of familiarity prior to entering. After the implementation of GVT for Business, Kaiser Permanente Carson increased Average Monthly Views by 48% from 14,525 (2 months prior to GVT launch date) to 30,317. As suggested in the results, GVT for Business has contributed to significantly increasing engagement to its online profile while also providing members with valuable information. This ultimately can lead to an increase in the foot traffic of better informed and satisfied members.
Featured Virtual Tours
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